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来源: 更新时间:2022-07-18 15:41:05
The Beginning

夏天这么长,一定要找一个会挑西瓜的人在一起。Summer is so long, be sure to find a person who can pick watermelon together.

六月,像一个害羞的小女孩,躲在傍晚的阳光下静静地陪着你。June, like a shy little girl, hiding in the evening under the sun quietly with you.

夏天的风,温柔地吹过,好像你在抚摸我的脸庞。Summer wind, gentle blowing, as if you in the gentle touch of my face.

你说,你喜欢夏天。因为雨天你的小裤裤就不能晒干。You say you like summer. Because your pants cant be dried in the sun on a rainy day.

你的备忘录里是否也有一个喜欢夏天,爱吃樱桃,也爱笑的女孩子。In your memorandum book whether also have a like summer, love to eat cherry, also love to laugh girl.

你是一种感觉,我想写在夏夜的风里。You are a feeling I want to write in the summer night wind.

你笑起来,仿佛雨后的彩虹,温暖人心。You smile like a rainbow after the rain, warming your heart.

今天真是一个好天气,不知道会不会有对象掉下来!Its such a nice day today, I wonder if someone will fall down!

柠檬水打翻的瞬间,看到了夏天。The moment the lemonade overturned, I saw summer.

夏天的风,吹皱了城市的喧闹。The summer wind has wrinkled the noise of the city.


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