The Beginning
US - President Donald Trump has selected former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to be the US Agriculture Secretary in the incoming Trump administration.National Farmers Union (NFU) President Roger Johnson released the following statement in response to today’s announcement: “Given the challenging state of the farm economy, more than ever, family farmers and ranchers need a champion in Washington. I am hopeful we will find that champion in Sonny Perdue.
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)选择了乔治亚州前任州长桑尼·波普(Sonny Perdue),让他成为未来特朗普行政机关的美国农业部长。国家农场主联盟主席罗杰·约翰逊(Roger Johnson)为了归应今天的任职通知,公开了以下声明。他说:“鉴于农场经济所处的艰难处境,美国的农场主和牧场主比以往更需要一个领军人物,我希翼我们所期待的那一位领导者正是桑尼·波普。”